Problem input file idefix.ini

The problem input file is by default named idefix.ini. It is possible to start idefix with an other input file using the -i command line option.

The problem input file is read when Idefix starts. It is split into several sections, each section name corresponding to a C++ class in Idefix structure. Inside each section, each line defines an entry, which can have as many parameters as one wishes (note that it requires at least one parameter). The input file allows for comments, which should start with #.


You can add arbitray sections and entries in the input file freely. Idefix will automatically read and store them on startup. They are then accessible in the code using the Input::Get<T>(..) and Input::GetOrSet<T> template methods defined in the Input class (see The Input class). To avoid any name collisions with future versions of Idefix, we recommend setting setup-specific parameters in a [Setup] section.

Grid section

The grid section defines the grid total dimension. It consists of 3 entries X1-grid, X2-grid and X3-grid. Each entry defines the repartition of the grid points in the corresponding direction (the grid is always rectilinear). Each entry defines a series of grid blocks which are concatenated along the direction. Each block in a direction can have a different spacing rule (uniform, log or stretched). The definition of the Grid entries is as follows

Allowed value


Entry name



# of grid blocks

integer >= 1


start of 1st block

floating point


# of points in 1st block

integet >= 1


spacing in first block

“u”, “l”, “s+”, “s-”


end of 1st block
/start of 2nd block

floating point


…repeat for each block…

In the example above, we define in X1 direction a uniform grid (u) of 64 points starting at X1=0.0 and ending at X1=1.0. This would be written in the input file as:

X1-Grid        1     0.0   64     u     1.0

The grid spacing can be one of the following:

  • Uniform spacing (u): a block with constant spacing is constructed. The grid spacing \(\Delta x\) is defined as \(\Delta x=\frac{x_\mathrm{end}-x_\mathrm{start}}{N}\)

  • Logarthmic spacing (l): the block spacing is proportional to the coordinate \(\Delta x\propto x\). More formally, the cell boundaries are defined as \(x_{i-1/2}=x_\mathrm{start}\alpha^{i/N}\) where \(\alpha=\frac{x_\mathrm{end}+|x_\mathrm{start}|-x_\mathrm{start}}{|x_\mathrm{start}|}\). The grid spacing is then defined through \(\Delta x_i=x_{i+1/2}-x_{i-1/2}\).

  • Stretched spacing (s+ or s-): the block spacing is defined to follow a geometrical series, starting from the reference spacing \(\Delta x_0\) taken from the previous (-) or next (+) uniform block. Mathematically, the grid spacing is defined as \(\Delta x_i=\Delta x_0 r^{i-1}\) for s+ and \(\Delta x_i=\Delta x_0 r^{N-i}\) for s-. The streching ratio \(r\) is itself defined implicitly as \(\frac{r-r^{N+1}}{1-r}=\frac{x_\mathrm{end}-x_\mathrm{start}}{\Delta x_0}\)


Note that the stretched block requires at least one uniform block on one of it side to define the reference spacing \(\Delta x_0\)


It is also possible to change the grid spacing to increase the integration timestep with the coarsening entry, which enables grid coarsening (see The Grid coarsening module)

TimeIntegrator section

This section is used by Idefix time integrator class to define the time integrator method and related variables. The entries of this section are as followed

Entry name

Parameter type




CFL number. Should be < 1 to ensure stability



fraction by which \(dt\) is allowed to increase between two successive timesteps



time when the code stops



first timestep used by the integrator. If not set, Idefix use by default 1e-10 (very conservative)



when set, Idefix uses a fixed time step instead of the dt computed from the CFL condition.
In this case, the CFL parameters and first_dt are ignored.



when set, Idefix aborts the calculation when it has run for max_runtime hours (wall clock time).
In this case, a restart dump is automatically written when the code stops.



number of stages of the integrator. Can be either 1, 2 or 3. 1=First order Euler method,
2, 3 = second and third order TVD Runge-Kutta



number of time integration cycles between each Nan verification. Default is 100.
Note that Nan checks are slow on GPUs, and low values of check_nan are not recommended.



Maximum divB tolerated. Default is 1e-6 in double precision and 1e-2 in single precision.


The first_dt is recommended since wave speeds are evaluated when Riemann problems are solved, hence the CFL condition can only be evaluated after the first timestep.

Hydro section

This section is used by the hydrodynamics class of Idefix. It defines the hydrodynamic parameters, and allows one to add some physics. The parameters are as followed:

Entry name

Parameter type




Type of Riemann Solver. In hydro can be any of tvdlf, hll, hllc and roe.
In MHD, can be tvdlf, hll, hlld and roe



Averaging scheme for the electromotive force (only used with MHD). The options
follows Gardiner & Stone JCP, 2005 (GS05).
arithmetic: simple arithmetic average of the face-centered emfs (eq. 33 in GS05)
uct0: Upwind constraint transport (UCT) with 0 wave speed (eq. 39 in GS05)
uct_contact: UCT with contact wave upwinding (eq. 50 in GS05)
uct_hll: UCT with 2D Riemann solver using the HLL approximation. Follows Londrillo
& del Zanna JCP (2004).
uct_hlld: UCT with 2D Riemann solver using the HLLD approximation. Follows Londrillo
& del Zanna JCP (2004).
If no averaging scheme is selected in the input file, Idefix uses uct_contact.


string, (float)

Isothermal sound speed. Only used when ISOTHERMAL is defined in definitions.hpp.
When constant, the second parameter is the spatially constant sound speed.
When userdef, the Hydro class expects a user-defined sound speed function
to be enrolled with EnrollIsoSoundSpeed(IsoSoundSpeedFunc)
(see Function enrollment). In this case, the second parameter is not used.



Adiabatic index when ISOTHERMAL is not defined. Default to 5/3 if not set.


string, string, (float)

Switches on Ohmic diffusion.
The first parameter can be explicit or rkl. When explicit, diffusion is
integrated in the main integration loop with the usual cfl restriction. If rkl,
diffusion is integrated using the Runge-Kutta Legendre scheme.
The second String can be either constant or userdef.
When constant, the second parameter is the Ohmic diffusion coefficient.
When userdef, the Hydro class expects a user-defined diffusivity function
to be enrolled with Hydro::EnrollOhmicDiffusivity(DiffusivityFunc)
(see Function enrollment). In this case, the third parameter is not used.


string, string, (float)

Switches on ambipolar diffusion.
The first parameter can be explicit or rkl. When explicit, diffusion is
integrated in the main integration loop with the usual cfl restriction. If rkl,
diffusion is integrated using the Runge-Kutta Legendre scheme.
The second String can be either constant or userdef.
When constant, the second parameter is the ambipolar diffusion coefficient.
When userdef, the Hydro class expects a user-defined diffusivity function
to be enrolled with Hydro::EnrollAmbipolarDiffusivity(DiffusivityFunc)
(see Function enrollment). In this case, the third parameter is not used.


string, string, (float)

Switches on Hall effect.
The first parameter can only be explicit.
The second String can be either constant or userdef.
When constant, the third parameter is the Hall diffusion coefficient.
When userdef, the Hydro class expects a user-defined diffusivity function
to be enrolled with Hydro::EnrollHallDiffusivity(DiffusivityFunc)
(see Function enrollment). In this case, the third parameter is not used.


string, string, float, (float)

Switches on viscous diffusion.
The first parameter can be explicit or rkl. When explicit, diffusion is
integrated in the main integration loop with the usual cfl restriction. If rkl,
diffusion is integrated using the Runge-Kutta Legendre scheme.
The second parameter can be either constant or userdef.
When constant, the third parameter is the flow viscosity and the fourth
parameter is the second (or compressive) viscosity (which is optionnal).
When userdef, the Hydro.Viscosity class expects a user-defined viscosity function
to be enrolled with Hydro.Viscosity::EnrollViscousDiffusivity(DiffusivityFunc)
(see Function enrollment). In this case, the third and fourth parameters
are not used.


string, string, float

Switches on isotropic thermal diffusion.
The first parameter can be explicit or rkl. When explicit, diffusion is
integrated in the main integration loop with the usual cfl restriction. If rkl,
diffusion is integrated using the Runge-Kutta Legendre scheme.
The second parameter can be either constant or userdef.
When constant, the third parameter is the (constant) thermal diffusivity.
When userdef, the Hydro.ThermalDiffusivity class expects a user-defined thermal
diffusivity function to be enrolled with
Hydro.thermalDiffusion::EnrollThermalDiffusivity(DiffusivityFunc) .
(see Function enrollment) In this case, the third parameter is not used.



Add rotation with the z rotation speed given as parameter.
Note that this entry only adds Coriolis force in Cartesian geometry.



Enable shearing box source terms. The entry parameter corresponds to the shear rate
\(dv_{x2}/d x_1\).
Note that this is not sufficient to fully define a shearing box: boundary conditions
are also required.



Enable shock flattening. When enabled, the reconstruction scheme reverts to minmod
limiter when strong shocks are detected. The entry parameter is the threshold above which
a shock is considered “strong”, in units of \(|\nabla P /P|\). A low value hence tends
to increase the code numerical diffusivity. Typical values are 1 to 10.


The Hall effect is implemented directly in the HLL Riemann solver following Lesur, Kunz & Fromang (2014) and adding the whistler speed only to the magnetic flux function, following Marchand et al. (2019). For these reasons, Hall can only be used in conjonction with the HLL Riemann solver. In addition, only the arithmetic Emf reconstruction scheme has been shown to work systematically with Hall, and is therefore strongly recommended for production runs.

Fargo section

This section enables the orbital advection algorithm provided in Idefix. More information may be found in The FARGO module

Entry name

Parameter type




Defines orbital advection (Fargo-like) velocity to speed up integration when a strong
azimuthal motion is present (as in a thin disk). The velocity can be either
shearingbox or userdef.
When shearingbox, the fargo module uses the linear shear computed by the shearing box
module as the input velocity function.
When userdef is set, the fargo module expects a user-defined velocity function to
be enrolled via Fargo::EnrollVelocity(FargoVelocityFunc)



optional: when using MPI with a domain decomposition in the azimuthal direction, this sets
the maximum number of cells Fargo is allowed to shift the domain at each time step.
Default: 10

Gravity section

This section enables gravity in the form of a gravitational potential and/or an acceleration vector

Entry name

Parameter type



string, [string…]

Switches on an external gravitational potential. Each parameter adds a potential to the
total potential used by Idefix.

* userdef allows the user to give Idefix a user-defined potential function. In this
Gravity class expects a user-defined potential function to be enrolled with
Gavity::EnrollPotential(GravPotentialFunc) (see Function enrollment)
* central allows the user to automatically add the potential of a central point mass.
In this case, the central mass is assumed to be 1 in code units. This can be modified
using the Mcentral parameter, or using the Gravity::SetCentralMass(real) method.
* selfgravity enables the potential computed from solving Poisson equation with the
density distribution



Mass of the central object when a central potential is enabled (see above). Default is 1.



Adds an acceleration vector to each cell of the domain. The only value allowed
is userdef. The Gravity class then expects a user-defined bodyforce function to
be enrolled via Gavity::EnrollBodyForce(BodyForceFunc) (see Function enrollment)
See the shearing box tests for examples of using bodyForce.

RKL section

This section controls the Runge-Kutta-Legendre integration module. RKL is automatically enabled when parabolic terms use the rkl option. Otherwise, this block is simply ignored.

Entry name

Parameter type




CFL number for the RKL sub-step. Should be <0.5 for stability. Set by default to 0.5 if not provided



Whether RKL should check the solution when running. This option affects performances. Default false.

Boundary section

This section describes the boundary conditions used by the code. There are 6 entries which need to be defined: X1-beg, X2-beg, X3-beg for the left boundaries in the direction X1, X2, X3, and X1-end, X2-end, X3-end for the right boundaries. Each boundary can be assigned the following types of conditions

Boundary type



zero gradient on the density, pressure, tangential velocity and magnetic field. The normal velocity is set to
zero gradient when it is flowing outwards otherwise it is set to 0.


Periodic boundary conditions. Each field is copied between beg and end sides of the boundary.


The normal component of the velocity is systematically reversed. Otherwise identical to outflow.


Shearing-box boudary conditions.


Axis Boundary conditions. Useful if one wants to include the axis in spherical geometry in the computational
domain. This condition explicitely requires X2 to go from 0 to \(\pi\) but can be used for domains
extending over a fraction of a full circle in X3 (i.e \(2\pi/n\) where \(n\) is an integer). When the
X3 domain spans \(2\pi\) and MPI is used, the number of processes along the X3 direction should be one or
even (in this last case, additional communications are required which may impact performances).


User-defined boundary conditions. The boundary condition function should be enrolled in the setup constructor

Output section

This section describes the outputs Idefix produces. For more details about each output type, have a look at Outputs.

Entry name

Parameter type




Time interval between log outputs, in code steps (default 100).



Time interval between dump outputs, in code units.
If negative, periodic dump outputs are disabled.



Time interval between vtk outputs, in code units.
If negative, periodic vtk outputs are disabled.



Time interval between analysis outputs, in code units.
If negative, periodic analysis outputs are disabled.
When this entry is set, Idefix expects a user-defined analysis function to be
enrolled with Output::EnrollAnalysis(AnalysisFunc) (see Function enrollment).


string series

List the name of the user-defined variables the user wants to define.
When this list is present in the input file, Idefix expects a user-defined
function to be enrolled with Output::EnrollUserDefVariables(UserDefVariablesFunc)
(see Function enrollment). The user-defined variables defined by this function
are then written as new variables in vtk outputs.


Even if dumps are not mentionned in your input file (and are therefore disabled), dump files are still produced when Idefix captures a signal (see Signal Handling) or when max_runtime is set and reached.