Function K_Flux(real, real, real, real, ARG_EXPAND(const int Xn, const int Xt, const int Xb), ARG_EXPAND(const int BXn, const int BXt, const int BXb))

Function Documentation


doxygenfunction: Unable to resolve function “K_Flux” with arguments (real, real, real, real, ARG_EXPAND(const int, const int, const int), ARG_EXPAND(const int, const int, const int)) in doxygen xml output for project “Idefix” from directory: ./xml. Potential matches:

- KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION void K_Flux(real *KOKKOS_RESTRICT F, const real *KOKKOS_RESTRICT V, const real *KOKKOS_RESTRICT U, real Cs2Iso, const int Xn)
- KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION void K_Flux(real F[], real V[], real U[], real Cs2Iso, ARG_EXPAND(const int Xn, const int Xt, const int Xb), ARG_EXPAND(const int BXn, const int BXt, const int BXb))