Program Listing for File gravity.cpp

Return to documentation for file (gravity/gravity.cpp)

// ***********************************************************************************
// Idefix MHD astrophysical code
// Copyright(C) 2020-2022 Geoffroy R. J. Lesur <>
// and other code contributors
// Licensed under CeCILL 2.1 License, see COPYING for more information
// ***********************************************************************************

#include <string>

#include "gravity.hpp"
#include "dataBlock.hpp"
#include "input.hpp"

void Gravity::Init(Input &input, DataBlock *datain) {
  this->data = datain;
  data->haveGravity = true;
  // Gravitational potential
  int nPotential = input.CheckEntry("Gravity","potential");
  if(nPotential >=0) {
    this->havePotential = true;
    for(int i = 0 ; i < nPotential ; i++) {
      std::string potentialString = input.Get<std::string>("Gravity","potential",i);
      if("userdef") == 0) {
        this->haveUserDefPotential = true;
      } else if ("central") == 0) {
        this->haveCentralMassPotential = true;
        this->centralMass = input.GetOrSet<real>("Gravity","Mcentral",0, 1.0);
      } else if ("selfgravity") == 0) {
        this->haveSelfGravityPotential = true;
      } else {
        IDEFIX_ERROR("Unknown type of gravitational potential in idefix.ini. ");

  // Body Force
  if(input.CheckEntry("Gravity","bodyForce")>=0) {
    std::string potentialString = input.Get<std::string>("Gravity","bodyForce",0);
    if("userdef") == 0) {
      this->haveBodyForce = true;
    } else {
      IDEFIX_ERROR("Unknown type of body force in idefix.ini. "
                   "Only userdef is implemented");

  // Allocate required arrays
  if(havePotential && !haveInitialisedPotential) {
    phiP = IdefixArray3D<real>("Gravity_PhiP",
                                data->np_tot[KDIR], data->np_tot[JDIR], data->np_tot[IDIR]);
    haveInitialisedPotential = true;
  if(haveBodyForce && !haveInitialisedBodyForce) {
    bodyForceVector = IdefixArray4D<real>("Gravity_bodyForce", COMPONENTS,
                                data->np_tot[KDIR], data->np_tot[JDIR], data->np_tot[IDIR]);
    haveInitialisedBodyForce = true;

void Gravity::ShowConfig() {
  if(data->haveGravity) {
    idfx::cout << "Gravity: ENABLED." << std::endl;
    if(haveUserDefPotential) {
      idfx::cout << "Gravity: User-defined gravitational potential ENABLED." << std::endl;
      if(!gravPotentialFunc) {
        IDEFIX_ERROR("No user-defined gravitational potential has been enrolled.");
    if(haveCentralMassPotential) {
      idfx::cout << "Gravity: central mass gravitational potential ENABLED with M="
                  << this->centralMass << std::endl;
    if(haveSelfGravityPotential) {
      idfx::cout << "Gravity: self-gravity ENABLED." << std::endl;
    if(haveBodyForce) {
      idfx::cout << "Gravity: user-defined body force ENABLED." << std::endl;
      if(!bodyForceFunc) {
        IDEFIX_ERROR("No user-defined body force has been enrolled.");
// This function compute the gravitational field, using both body force and potential
void Gravity::ComputeGravity() {
  if(havePotential) {
    if(haveUserDefPotential) {
      if(gravPotentialFunc == nullptr) {
        IDEFIX_ERROR("Gravitational potential is enabled, "
                   "but no user-defined potential has been enrolled.");
      gravPotentialFunc(*data, data->t, data->x[IDIR], data->x[JDIR], data->x[KDIR], phiP);
    } else {
    if(haveCentralMassPotential) {
    if(havePlanetsPotential) {
      IDEFIX_ERROR("Planet potential not implemented. Ask GWF.");
    if(haveSelfGravityPotential) {
      IDEFIX_ERROR("Self gravity potential not implemented. Ask JM.");
  if(haveBodyForce) {
    // When bodyforce is enabled, it has to be a userdefined function, enrolled previously
    if(bodyForceFunc == nullptr) {
      IDEFIX_ERROR("Gravitational potential is enabled, "
                   "but no user-defined potential has been enrolled.");
    idfx::pushRegion("Gravity: user-defined:bodyForceFunc");
    bodyForceFunc(*data, data->t, bodyForceVector);

void Gravity::EnrollPotential(GravPotentialFunc myFunc) {
  if(!this->haveUserDefPotential) {
    IDEFIX_WARNING("In order to enroll your gravitational potential, "
                 "you need to enable it first in the .ini file "
                 "with the potential entry in [Gravity].");
  this->gravPotentialFunc = myFunc;

void Gravity::EnrollBodyForce(BodyForceFunc myFunc) {
  if(!this->haveBodyForce) {
    IDEFIX_WARNING("In order to enroll your body force, "
                 "you need to enable it first in the .ini file "
                 "with the bodyForce entry in [Gravity].");
  this->bodyForceFunc = myFunc;

// Fill the gravitational potential with zeros
void Gravity::ResetPotential() {
  IdefixArray3D<real> phiP = this->phiP;
              0, data->np_tot[KDIR],
              0, data->np_tot[JDIR],
              0, data->np_tot[IDIR],
              KOKKOS_LAMBDA(int k, int j, int i) {
                phiP(k,j,i) = ZERO_F;

void Gravity::AddCentralMassPotential() {
  IdefixArray1D<real> x1 = data->x[IDIR];
  IdefixArray1D<real> x2 = data->x[JDIR];
  IdefixArray1D<real> x3 = data->x[KDIR];
  IdefixArray3D<real> phiP = this->phiP;
  real mass = this->centralMass;
    IDEFIX_ERROR("Central mass potential is not defined in cartesian geometry");
              0, data->np_tot[KDIR],
              0, data->np_tot[JDIR],
              0, data->np_tot[IDIR],
              KOKKOS_LAMBDA(int k, int j, int i) {
                real r;
                #if GEOMETRY == POLAR
                  r = D_EXPAND( x1(i)*x1(i),                , + x3(k)*x3(k));
                  r = sqrt(r);
                #elif GEOMETRY == CYLINDRICAL
                  r = D_EXPAND( x1(i)*x1(i), + x2(j)*x2(j)  ,              );
                  r = sqrt(r);
                #elif GEOMETRY == SPHERICAL
                  r = x1(i);
                  r = ONE_F; // Make sure this one is initialized
                  phiP(k,j,i) += -mass/r;