Program Listing for File tvdlfHD.hpp

Return to documentation for file (hydro/HDsolvers/tvdlfHD.hpp)

// ***********************************************************************************
// Idefix MHD astrophysical code
// Copyright(C) 2020-2022 Geoffroy R. J. Lesur <>
// and other code contributors
// Licensed under CeCILL 2.1 License, see COPYING for more information
// ***********************************************************************************


#include "../idefix.hpp"
#include "hydro.hpp"
#include "slopeLimiter.hpp"
#include "fluxHD.hpp"
#include "convertConsToPrimHD.hpp"

// Compute Riemann fluxes from states using TVDLF solver
template<const int DIR>
void Hydro::TvdlfHD() {

  constexpr int ioffset = (DIR==IDIR) ? 1 : 0;
  constexpr int joffset = (DIR==JDIR) ? 1 : 0;
  constexpr int koffset = (DIR==KDIR) ? 1 : 0;

  IdefixArray4D<real> Vc = this->Vc;
  IdefixArray4D<real> Vs = this->Vs;
  IdefixArray4D<real> Flux = this->FluxRiemann;
  IdefixArray3D<real> cMax = this->cMax;
  IdefixArray3D<real> csIsoArr = this->isoSoundSpeedArray;

  // Required for high order interpolations
  IdefixArray1D<real> dx = this->data->dx[DIR];

  real gamma = this->gamma;
  [[maybe_unused]] real gamma_m1=gamma-ONE_F;
  [[maybe_unused]] real csIso = this->isoSoundSpeed;
  [[maybe_unused]] HydroModuleStatus haveIsoCs = this->haveIsoSoundSpeed;

  SlopeLimiter<DIR,NVAR> slopeLim(Vc,data->dx[DIR],shockFlattening);

    KOKKOS_LAMBDA (int k, int j, int i) {
      // Init the directions (should be in the kernel for proper optimisation by the compilers)
      constexpr int Xn = DIR+MX1;

      // Primitive variables
      real vL[NVAR];
      real vR[NVAR];
      real vRL[NVAR];

      // Conservative variables
      real uL[NVAR];
      real uR[NVAR];

      // Flux (left and right)
      real fluxL[NVAR];
      real fluxR[NVAR];

      // Signal speeds
      real cRL, cmax;

      // 1-- Read primitive variables
      slopeLim.ExtrapolatePrimVar(i, j, k, vL, vR);

#pragma unroll
      for(int nv = 0 ; nv < NVAR; nv++) {
        vRL[nv] = HALF_F*(vL[nv]+vR[nv]);

      // 2-- Get the wave speed
      cRL = std::sqrt( (gamma_m1+ONE_F)*(vRL[PRS]/vRL[RHO]) );
      if(haveIsoCs == UserDefFunction) {
        cRL = HALF_F*(csIsoArr(k,j,i)+csIsoArr(k-koffset,j-joffset,i-ioffset));
      } else {
        cRL = csIso;
      cmax = FMAX(FABS(vRL[Xn]+cRL),FABS(vRL[Xn]-cRL));

      // 3-- Compute the conservative variables
      K_PrimToCons(uL, vL, gamma_m1);
      K_PrimToCons(uR, vR, gamma_m1);

      // 4-- Compute the left and right fluxes
      K_Flux(fluxL, vL, uL, cRL*cRL, Xn);
      K_Flux(fluxR, vR, uR, cRL*cRL, Xn);

      // 5-- Compute the flux from the left and right states
#pragma unroll
      for(int nv = 0 ; nv < NVAR; nv++) {
        Flux(nv,k,j,i) = HALF_F*(fluxL[nv]+fluxR[nv] - cmax*(uR[nv]-uL[nv]));

      //6-- Compute maximum wave speed for this sweep
      cMax(k,j,i) = cmax;
