Program Listing for File setup.hpp

Return to documentation for file (setup.hpp)

// ***********************************************************************************
// Idefix MHD astrophysical code
// Copyright(C) 2020-2022 Geoffroy R. J. Lesur <>
// and other code contributors
// Licensed under CeCILL 2.1 License, see COPYING for more information
// ***********************************************************************************

#ifndef SETUP_HPP_
#define SETUP_HPP_

#include "idefix.hpp"
#include "input.hpp"
#include "grid.hpp"
#include "dataBlock.hpp"
#include "output.hpp"

// These two will likely be used in the code, so we include them here
#include "gridHost.hpp"
#include "dataBlockHost.hpp"
#include "boundaryloop.hpp"

class Setup {
  Setup(Input &, Grid &, DataBlock &, Output&);
  void InitFlow(DataBlock &);

#endif // SETUP_HPP_